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Flight Stability and Automatic Control By Nelson, R.C
2nd edn., Tata McGraw Hill, 2007
This is an excellent book for the modern fundamentals of aircraft control design. Most subjects are clearly treated with just the right amount of illustrations and examples. The author makes good effort of explaining procedures without resorting to function calls from some software package. The last of the book devotes relatively little space to modern control theory. I would hope this talented writer would create something more advanced in the future that would expand on his treatment of the state observer and the use of the cost function.
Dynamics of Flight By Etkin, B. and Reid, L.D3rd edn., John Wiley, 1998
Designed to prepare students to become aeronautical engineers who can face new and challenging situations. Retaining the same philosophy as the two preceding editions, this update emphasizes basic principles rooted in the physics of flight, essential analytical techniques along with typical stability and control realities. This edition features a full set of exercises and a complete Solution's Manual. In keeping with current industry practice, flight equations are presented in dimensional state-vector form. The chapter on closed-loop control has been greatly expanded with details on automatic flight control systems. Uses a real jet transport (the Boeing 747) for many numerical and worked-out examples.
Aerodynamics, Aeronautics, and Flight Mechanics By McCormick, B.W2nd edn., Wiley India, 1995
Aerodynamics, Aeronautics, and Flight Mechanics presents all necessary derivations to understand basic principles and then applies this material to specific examples. You'll find complete coverage of the full range of topics, from aerodynamics to propulsion to performance to stability and control. Plus, the new Second Edition boasts the same careful integration of concepts that was an acclaimed feature of the previous edition. For example, Chapters 9, 10, and 11 give a fully integrated presentation of static, dynamic, and automatic stability and control. These three chapters form the basis of a complete course on stability and control.
AERODYNAMICS-IIAerodynamics for Engineers By Bertin, J.J
4th edn., Indian reprint, Pearson Education, 2004
ISBN: 81-297-0486-2
Aerodynamics for Engineers merges fundamental fluid mechanics, experimental techniques, and computational fluid dynamics techniques to build a solid foundation for students in aerodynamic applications from low-speed flight through hypersonic flight. It presents a background discussion of each topic followed by a presentation of the theory, and then derives fundamental equations, applies them to simple computational techniques, and compares them to experimental data.
Modern Compressible Flow with Historical Perspective By Anderson, J.D3rd edn., McGraw-Hill, 2003
ISBN: 0-07-112161-7
Modern Compressible Flow, Second Edition, presents the fundamentals of classical compressible flow along with the latestcoverage of modern compressible flow dynamics and high-temperature flows. The second edition maintains an engaging writing style and offers philosophical and historical perspectives on the topic. It also continues to offer a variety of problems-providing readers with a practical understanding. The second edition includes the latest developments in the field of modern compressible flow.
Elements of Gas Dynamics By Liepmann, H.W., and RoshkoJohn Wiley, 1957
First-rate text covers introductory concepts from thermodynamics, one-dimensional gas dynamics and one-dimensional wave motion, waves in supersonic flow, flow in ducts and wind tunnels, methods of measurement, the equations of frictionless flow, small-perturbation theory, transonic flow, and much more. For advanced undergraduate or graduate physics and engineering students with at least a working knowledge of calculus and basic physics. Exercises demonstrate application of material in text.
Fluid Mechanics By Landau, L.D., & Lifshitz, E.M2nd edn., Course of Theoretical Physics, vol. 6, MaxwellMacmillan International Edition, Pergamon, 1989
ISBN: 0-02-946234-7
This is the most comprehensive introductory graduate or advanced undergraduate text in fluid mechanics available. It builds up from the fundamentals, often in a general way, to widespread applications, to technology and geophysics.
New to this second edition are discussions on the universal dimensions similarity scaling for the laminar boundary layer equations and on the generalized vector field derivatives. In addition, new material on the generalized streamfunction treatment shows how streamfunction may be used in three-dimensional flows. Finally, a new Computational Fluid Dynamics chapter enables compulations of some simple flows and provides entry to more advanced literature.
* Basic introduction to the subject of fluid mechanics, intended for undergraduate and beginning graduate students of science and engineering.
* Includes topics of special interest for geophysicists and to engineers.
* New and generalized treatment of similar laminar boundary layers, streamfunctions for three-dimensional flows, vector field derivatives, and gas dynamics. Also a new generalized treatment of boundary conditions in fluid mechanics, and expanded treatment of viscous flows.
Aerodynamics, Aeronautics & Flight Mechanics By McCormick, B.W2nd edn., John Wiley, 1995
ISBN: 0-471-57506-2
Aerodynamics, Aeronautics, and Flight Mechanics presents all necessary derivations to understand basic principles and then applies this material to specific examples. You'll find complete coverage of the full range of topics, from aerodynamics to propulsion to performance to stability and control. Plus, the new Second Edition boasts the same careful integration of concepts that was an acclaimed feature of the previous edition. For example, Chapters 9, 10, and 11 give a fully integrated presentation of static, dynamic, and automatic stability and control. These three chapters form the basis of a complete course on stability and control.
The Dynamics and Thermodynamics of Compressible Fluid Flow By Shapiro, A.HVols. I and II, John Wiley, 1953
This is two-volume text written by an MIT professor of mechanical engineering on the dynamics and thermodynamics of compressible fluid flow. Being written in the fifties, the author tried to supply methods usable in the engineering office for design purposes
AEROSPACE STRUCTURE-IIAircraft Structures for Engineering Students By Megson, T.H.G
4th edn., Elsevier, 2007
ISBN: 0-750-667397
Aircraft Structures for Engineering Students is the leading self contained aircraft structures course text. It covers all fundamental subjects, including elasticity, structural analysis, airworthiness and aeroelasticity. Now in its fourth edition, the author has revised and updated the text throughout and added new case study and worked example material to make the text even more accessible. Includes a Solutions Manual available to all adopting teachers.
Aircraft Structures By Peery, D.J. and Azar, J.J2nd edn., McGra-Hill, 1982
This book deals with the aircraft structural engineering basics.This includes Static Analysis of Structures,Flight-Vehicle Imposed loads,Elasticity of Structures,Behavior and Evaluation of Vehicle Material,Stress Analysis,Finite Element Stiffness Method,Thermal Stresses,Buckling Design of Structural Members and Joints & Fittings.
Airframe Analysis and Sizing By Niu, M.C2nd edn., Hongkong Conmilit Press, 1999
This book is destined to become a standard reference and will complement the other classic in the industry very well (Bruhn's Analysis and Design of Flight Vehicle Structures). The book covers just about most topics required to perform effective practical stress analysis. Again as with Bruhn this is a bit of a cookbook, but in many instances that's what is required to design practical aerospace structures.
Some of the material is a repeat of what's available in Bruhn; however, there is plenty of additional material which makes this book worth having. The big drawback of this book is that there are a lot of mistakes in the formulas, etc.
This was likely a result of trying to rush the book to print. As pointed out in the other reviews, most of the material in this book needs to be cross referenced with other books of company manuals before being used. Having said this the book can still be very useful and one needs to remember that practical stress analysis books are scarce and so Niu is to be congratulated just for trying to put something down on paper.
Airframe Structural Design By Niu, M.C
2nd edn., Hongkong Conmilit Press, 2002
This book represents several decades of data collection, research, conversations with different airframe specialists, plus the author's more than twenty years' experience in airframe structural design. From structural standpoint, the book is intended to be used as a tool to help achieve structural integrity according to government regulations, specifications, criteria, etc., for designing commercial or military transports, military fighters, as well as general aviation aircraft. It can be considered as a troubleshooting guide for airline structural maintenance and repair engineers or as a supplementary handbook in teaching aircraft structural design in college. This book is divided into a total of sixteen chapter and emphasizes itemized write-ups, tables, graphs and illustrations to lead directly to points of interest. The data can be used for designing and sizing airframe structures and, wherever needed, example calculations are presented for clarification.
AEROSPACE PROPULSION-IElements of Gas Turbine Propulsion By Mattingly, J.D
McGraw-Hill, 1996
ISBN: 0-07-912196-9
This text provides an introduction to the fundamentals of gas turbine engines and jet propulsion for aerospace or mechanical engineers. The book contains sufficient material for two sequential courses i propulsion (advanced fluid dynamics) an introductory course in jet propulsion and a gas turbine engine components course. The text is divided into four parts introduction to aircraft propulsion; basic concepts and one-dimensional/gas dynamics; analysis and performance of air breathing propulsion systems; and analysis and design of gas turbine engine components.
Fundamentals of Jet Propulsion with Applications By Flack, R.DCambridge University Press, 2005
ISBN: 0-521-81983-0
Fundamentals of Jet Propulsion with Applications is an introductory text in air-breathing jet propulsion including ramjets, turbojets, turbofans, and propjets. Aimed at upper-level undergraduate and graduate students, the book provides coverage of the basic operating principles, from cycle analysis through component design and system matching. A basic understanding of fluid mechanics and thermodynamics is assumed, although many principles are thoroughly reviewed. Numerous examples and nearly 300 homework problems based on modern engines make this book an ideal teaching tool, as well as a valuable reference for practicing engineers.
Aerothermodynamics of Aircraft Engine Components By Oates, G.CAIAA, 1985
ISBN: 0-915928-97-3
Beginning with the basic principles and concepts of aeropropulsion combustion, this text goes on to explore specific processes, limitations and analytical methods as they bear on component design. The text features invited work of prominent specialists in aircraft gas turbine engines.
Design and R&D engineers and students will value the comprehensive, meticulous coverage in this volume, which, under theexpert editorial supervision of Gordon C. Oates, features the invited work of prominent specialists in aircraft gas turbine engines.
The Jet Engine Rolls Royce plc, 1986
ISBN: 0-902121-2-5
A beautifully illustrated book that covers many types of aviation jet engines. It is a simple and self-contained description of the working and underlying principles of the aero gas turbine engine. The use of complex formulas and the language of the specialist have been avoided to allow for a clear and concise presentation of the essential facts.
Jet Propulsion By Cumpsty, N2nd edn., Cambridge University Press, 2005
ISBN: 0-521-54144-1
This second edition of Cumpsty's self-contained introduction to the aerodynamic and thermodynamic design of modern civil and military jet engines features two engine design projects. The first is for a new large passenger aircraft, and the second for a new fighter aircraft. The text introduces, illustrates and explains the important facets of modern engine design. Thoroughly updated and revised, this edition includes a new appendix on noise control and expanded treatment of combustion emissions.
Gas Turbine Theory By Saravanamuttoo, H.I.H., Rogers, G.F.C. and Cohen, H5th edn., Prentice Hall, 2001
The gas turbine has been found to be suitable for an increasing number of applications. The fourth edition of this popular textbook has been revised and updated to reflect these developments. Gas turbines are becoming widely used for base-load electricity generation, as part of combined-cycle plant, and combined cycles receive more attention in this edition. There are now stringent statutory limits on harmful emissions, and the chapter on combustion has been enlarged to include a discussion of the factors affecting emissions and descriptions of current methods of attacking the problem. A section on coal gasification has also been added. Finally, the opportunity has been taken to make many small but significant improvements and additions to the text. The emphasis is still on fundamental principles, and readers must turn to the specialised literature for computational methods of dealing with the aerodynamic design of turbomachinery and the prediction of performance. Suitable as a coursebook for undergraduate and graduate students of mechanical and aeronautical engineering,Gas Turbine Theory will also continue to be a valuable reference for practising gas turbine engineers.
Gas Turbine Engineering Handbook By Boyce, M.P2nd edn., Gulf Professional Publishing, 2002
ISBN: 0-88415-732-6
Covers every aspect of gas turbine design and operation. Presents necessary data and helpful suggestions to assist engineers to obtain optimum performance for any gas turbine, under all conditions. Serves as a desk reference both for students and professionals.
AIR TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMAir Transportation: A Management Perspective By Wensven
Ashgate, 2007
"Air Transportation" by John Wensveen is a proven textbook that offers a comprehensive introduction to the theory and practice of air transportation management.In addition to explaining the fundamentals, this book now takes thereader to the leading edge of the discipline, using past and present trends to forecast future challenges the industry may face and encouraging the reader to really think about the decisions a manager implements. The Sixth Edition contains updated material on airline passenger marketing, labor relations, financing and heightened security precautions.Arranged in sharply focused parts and accessible sections, the exposition is clear and reader-friendly. "Air Transportation" is suitable for almost all aviation programs that feature business and management. Its accessible structure and style make it highly suitable for modular courses and distance learning programmes, or for self-directed study and continuing personal professional development.
Global Airline Industry By Belobaba, P., Odoni, A. and Barnhart, CWiley, 2009
In today's rapidly changing air transport environment, the aviation professionals require access to advanced and comprehensive knowledge, coupled with an in-depth understanding of the needs of the airline industry. Drawing on the editors’ extensive experience with airline and air transport issues, The Global Airline Industry provides a definitive introduction to our air transportation system. Featuring contributors from 3 different continents, all affiliated to MIT’s Global Airline Industry Program, this book’s unique and holistic perspective is allied with detailed coverage of
- air transportation economics
- airline planning and operations
- industrial relations and human resource issues
- aviation safety and security
- aviation infrastructure and environmental impacts
- airline pricing and distribution
Ashgate, 2004
Operations research techniques are extremely important tools for planning airline operations. However, much of the technical literature on airline optimization models is highly specialized and accessible only to a limited audience. Allied to this there is a concern among the operations research community that the materials offered in or courses at MBA or senior undergraduatebusiness level are too abstract, outdated, and at times irrelevant to today's fast and dynamic airline industry. This bookdemystifies the operations and scheduling environment, presenting simplified and easy-to-understand models, applied to straightforward and practical examples. After introducing the key issues confronting operations and scheduling within airlines, "Airline Operations and Scheduling" goes on to provide an objective review of the various optimization models adopted in practice. Each model provides airlines with efficient solutions to a range of scenarios, and is accompanied by case studies similar to those experienced by commercial airlines. Using unique source material and combining interviews with alumni working at operations and scheduling departments of various airlines, this solution-orientated approach has been used on many courses with outstanding feedback. As well as having been comprehensively updated, this second edition of Airline Operations and Scheduling adds new chapters on fuel management systems, baggage handling, aircraft maintenance planning and aircraft boarding strategies. The readership includes graduate and undergraduate business, management, transportation, and engineering students; airlines training and acquainting new recruits with operations planning and scheduling processes; general aviation, flight school, International Air Transport Association (IATA), and International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) training course instructors; and, executive jet, chartered flight, air-cargo and package delivery companies, and airline consultants.
Airport Planning and Management By Wells, A. and Young5th edn., McGraw-Hill, 1986
'Excellent and comprehensive' - "Bookends". 'A must-read for students and anyone wanting to learn more about the how and why of airports' - "Airliners". Extensively revised and updated to reflect post-9/11 changes in the industry, this new edition of the benchmark text and reference in airport planning and management brings aviation students and professionals comprehensive, timely, and authoritative coverage of a challenging field. "Airport Planning and Management", by Alexander Wells, Ed.D. and Seth B. Young, Ph.D., is an essential resource for understanding fundamentals, as well as current developments in policy and practice in airport management.Covering planning and managing techniques, new technologies, statistics, trends, and regulatory issues, this is a complete and comprehensive course in airports. Offering expert guidance on airport site selection, design, access, financing, law and regulation, security, capacity, technological advances, and other issues essential to the development and management of airports, "Airport Planning and Management" brings you a true insider's view of airport decision-making.This book covers: Security Issues; Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Mandates; Post-9/11 Developments; Aviation Improvement and Reform Act; Breakout of FAA Regulations, Advisories, Forms, and More; Airspace and Air Traffic Control Coverage; Financial Planning and Demand Forecasting; Improvements in Planning; Environmental, Noise, and Liability Issues; Technological Improvements, Landside and Airside; Future Trends and Challenges; Information Resources; and, Review questions for text use or self study.